"Jack" is an original 20in ×24in artwork on stretched canvas. The elegance of a peacock in vibrant shades of blue, set against a soft green background. Created with magazine paper, each piece is cut and glued to the canvas. This piece brings the peacock to life with rich textures. Ideal for any space that could use a touch of sophistication and color, "Jack" captures the grace and beauty of nature. This artwork is sealed and ready to hang.
"Jack" is an original 20in ×24in artwork on stretched canvas. The elegance of a peacock in vibrant shades of blue, set against a soft green background. Created with magazine paper, each piece is cut and glued to the canvas. This piece brings the peacock to life with rich textures. Ideal for any space that could use a touch of sophistication and color, "Jack" captures the grace and beauty of nature. This artwork is sealed and ready to hang.
"Jack" is an original 20in ×24in artwork on stretched canvas. The elegance of a peacock in vibrant shades of blue, set against a soft green background. Created with magazine paper, each piece is cut and glued to the canvas. This piece brings the peacock to life with rich textures. Ideal for any space that could use a touch of sophistication and color, "Jack" captures the grace and beauty of nature. This artwork is sealed and ready to hang.